It's back! With the goal of bringing a little cheer to patients in the hospital during the holiday season, the deviantART Holiday Card Project connects deviants from around the world and applies their tremendous artistic abilities in designing and creating uplifting holiday cards.In past years, the Project has received more than 5,000 cards sent in by more than 1,000 deviants from 50 different countries/political regions. Cards were then divvied up and distributed in-person by deviantART members to local Los Angeles, CA hospitals, with additional cards given to various hospitals in the U.S. and abroad for hospital staff members to hand ou...
Hi there everyone, sorry for the 2 years of inactivity due to final years of high school exams but now I'm back and will hopefully upload more plushies art and now I will also be doing cosplays. Hope you all look forward to my future cosplays. By the way Happy New Year! guys :)
Hey there watchers and everyone!!!! :D
I currently have some plushies for sale, so please have a look if you're interested. I can only accept PAYPAL AND I'LL SHIP ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD . So please contact me through a note or comment if you're interested. Thanks for viewing :D NEW: Sailor moon plushies all for $5 each excludes shipping
Rin and Len plushies is for $15 each excludes shipping
Christmas Hatsune Miku is for $15 excludes shipping
Hatsune Miku is for $8
Mew Ichigo is for $10 excludes shipping
:thumb333510494:Mew Zakuro is for $10 excludes shipping
:thumb333511706:Mew Berry is $10 excludes shipping
:thumb333512367:Mew Pudding is $...
its okay~~ and thank you!! my earlier cosplays i bought but now i make them myself xDD and i cant help to notice that you're from australia too!! xDD maybe we'll see each other some time at a con! xD