Hello, Thank you to all those who follow and appreciate my creations.
Some of my creations, images or stories, are deleted by deviantart, so I created a blog where you can find the deleted contents. If in the future my Deviantart page were to be deleted for an unknown reason, you will find me here:
Thank you.
The neck is one of the strongest and also most functional movable body parts. You can't even cut it fully with a sword, and even guillotines faulted (the victim still died). The very rare cultures doing this, they do take them off to clean themselves, or when no longer desired. Their necks breaking if you take them off is a myth.
They don't actually elongate the neck, the rings push their clavicle and ribs down forcing the shoulders at an angle, just giving the appearance of a long neck. They don't get any taller.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neck_ring The neck stretching is mostly illusory: the weight of the rings twists the collarbone and eventually the upper ribs at an angle 45 degrees lower than what is natural, causing the illusion of an elongated neck. The vertebrae do not elongate, though the space between them may increase as the intervertebral discs absorb liquid.
If the neck bones would indeed be separated from each other by lengthening the neck, the person would be paralyzed head down instantly, and die soon thereafter
That said, the fantasy of long necks is interesting, and you create nice to very nice images to show this. ... even though totally impossible.
And thank you for your very enriching and instructive explanations.
you're welcome
INFORMATION: I was forced to stop my publications iron mask and others because many of my requests were blocked by the image generator for non-compliant content. So I now only make images dedicated to steel necklaces. Thank you
I really enjoy your images and stories!
What would happen if a breakaway sect of the temple decided to mask as well as ring those who joined?