RustCobalt-Flame on DeviantArt

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Cobalt-Flame's avatar




This was a request from a great friend of mine, :iconangel-from-hell777: :heart:
She asked me to draw her Abyssinian cat, Rust :3 I decided to draw him digitally because since she is my friend I figured she would only get so mad with me if it turned out looking like crap.Which it does XD Spent about six hours on this x.x I was so tired when I finished (at four in the morning *dies* ) that I had forgotten to add whiskers! :C So I went back and added those this morning. For once I actually remembered in time :dummy: I kinda over exaggerated the fur colors, but I'm a partial cartoon artist anyway, so I have the right to exaggerate! Also, I wasn't quite sure what color Rust's eyes were, so I just made them yellow with a brown/green tinge to them. That pretty much covers all the colors... unless the eyes are blue o.o
Hope you like it anyway! XD

Art (c) Me
Image size
1280x800px 686.57 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Cobalt-Flame
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Palace-Of-Dreams's avatar
He looks lovely
Thank you :heart: