I groaned wearily: blacking out three times in a short time span really doesn’t agree with the human body. The traumatizing sensory overload definitely took its toll; every bone in my body ached and my head was pounding. What happened earlier was deeply disturbing and reinforced this awful feeling of hopelessness for my situation - I was surely in an entirely different world, dimension, whatever , and I had no means of getting home. But you have to survive , I kept repeating, trying to grasp onto the few shreds of faith I had in myself.The world was slowly being tuned from the staticy fuzziness that hummed around me to something more clea...
I groaned wearily: blacking out three times in a short time span really doesn’t agree with the human body. The traumatizing sensory overload definitely took its toll on me; every bone in my body ached and my head was pounding. What happened earlier deeply disturbed me and reinforced this awful feeling of hopelessness for my situation - I was surely in an entirely different world, dimension, - whatever , and I had no means of getting home. But you have to survive , I kept telling myself, trying to grasp onto the few shreds of faith I had in myself.The world was slowly being tuned from the static-y fuzziness that hummed around me to somethi...
Wet.Drenched.Freezing.I hated my life in that moment. Dodging huge balls of water the size of my head was terrifying and time consuming. My hair was soaked, hell, my entire body was soaked. How was I supposed to show up to this meeting looking like I had just showered fully clothed? The wind was also so strong that it almost lifted me up with it, like a flyaway sheet of paper. Don’t go outside, the news station said, it’s not safe for humans. Well, apparently my boss didn’t get the memo, not that he cared about the safety of humans anyways. My blouse clung to my torso, and the hair that I painstakingly put into a sweet little twist on ...
The warmed water was a welcome relief to my jittery nerves. Even though my setting was completely and utterly unfamiliar and possibly hostile, the soothing bath was still comforting. Closing my eyes, I slid under and let the water caress my skin. It took away the panic and fear from my mind, if only for a few moments. When my lungs began to burn and tighten from lack of oxygen, I broke through the surface, gasping for air. My vision was dotted with black specks as I took in the ceiling far above me. There were still so many questions in my mind, so much confusion. I still had no idea where I was and whether or not I was safe among these st...
I wasn't really sure how long I was unconscious; I drifted in and out of reality but was always aware of a throbbing pain pulsing in my body. Faces leered down at me, grinning grotesquely, and I screamed and tried to bat them away, only to hit empty air. My screams died down to muffled sobs, and I felt something warm and reassuring clasp over my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. Everything went dark once again.Was I hungover? Was that why my head throbbed? My mouth and throat were dry and scratchy and everything on me hurt like hell. I groaned, and then immediately sat up, instantly remembering yesterday's events.The first thing I saw was ...
A Thief in the Night (Part 2) by cnart12, literature
A Thief in the Night (Part 2)
~~Flashback~~It was a heavy weight in my hands, smooth and deceptively beautiful. The crystal practically hummed with energy, with power. I stood in the room, with the alarms blaring, red lights flashing, just utterly enraptured by it, oblivious to the world around me. The crystal let off a faint glow from within the amber depths, like it was waiting to burst into flames despite its cool surface. I held it eyelevel; it fit comfortably in the palm of my hand, but not small enough for me completely wrap my small fingers around it.
“Hey, you!”
Oh shit. I was jolted back to reality when the gruff yell of a rather large security guard broke thr...
You awake yet? GT Short for InotNedLoh (1/2) by cnart12, literature
You awake yet? GT Short for InotNedLoh (1/2)
Lilly grunted as she pulled herself over a particularly massive rock, arms shaking from the exertion. She cautiously stood up on wobbly legs, wiping the dirt and grime from her stinging palms onto her worn jeans. She lifted her gaze from the moss-covered rock and her lips parted in surprise, eyes going wide with awe at the beautiful sight before her. Rolling hills dotted with the occasional tree faded into the distance, mountains with snow-capped peaks were just barely in sight, ginormous to the small human girl. Lilly felt a smile touch her lips as she beheld the view, the hike had certainly paid off.Brushing the black hair from her foreh...
I groaned wearily: blacking out three times in a short time span really doesn’t agree with the human body. The traumatizing sensory overload definitely took its toll; every bone in my body ached and my head was pounding. What happened earlier was deeply disturbing and reinforced this awful feeling of hopelessness for my situation - I was surely in an entirely different world, dimension, whatever , and I had no means of getting home. But you have to survive , I kept repeating, trying to grasp onto the few shreds of faith I had in myself.The world was slowly being tuned from the staticy fuzziness that hummed around me to something more clea...
I groaned wearily: blacking out three times in a short time span really doesn’t agree with the human body. The traumatizing sensory overload definitely took its toll on me; every bone in my body ached and my head was pounding. What happened earlier deeply disturbed me and reinforced this awful feeling of hopelessness for my situation - I was surely in an entirely different world, dimension, - whatever , and I had no means of getting home. But you have to survive , I kept telling myself, trying to grasp onto the few shreds of faith I had in myself.The world was slowly being tuned from the static-y fuzziness that hummed around me to somethi...
Wet.Drenched.Freezing.I hated my life in that moment. Dodging huge balls of water the size of my head was terrifying and time consuming. My hair was soaked, hell, my entire body was soaked. How was I supposed to show up to this meeting looking like I had just showered fully clothed? The wind was also so strong that it almost lifted me up with it, like a flyaway sheet of paper. Don’t go outside, the news station said, it’s not safe for humans. Well, apparently my boss didn’t get the memo, not that he cared about the safety of humans anyways. My blouse clung to my torso, and the hair that I painstakingly put into a sweet little twist on ...
The warmed water was a welcome relief to my jittery nerves. Even though my setting was completely and utterly unfamiliar and possibly hostile, the soothing bath was still comforting. Closing my eyes, I slid under and let the water caress my skin. It took away the panic and fear from my mind, if only for a few moments. When my lungs began to burn and tighten from lack of oxygen, I broke through the surface, gasping for air. My vision was dotted with black specks as I took in the ceiling far above me. There were still so many questions in my mind, so much confusion. I still had no idea where I was and whether or not I was safe among these st...
I wasn't really sure how long I was unconscious; I drifted in and out of reality but was always aware of a throbbing pain pulsing in my body. Faces leered down at me, grinning grotesquely, and I screamed and tried to bat them away, only to hit empty air. My screams died down to muffled sobs, and I felt something warm and reassuring clasp over my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. Everything went dark once again.Was I hungover? Was that why my head throbbed? My mouth and throat were dry and scratchy and everything on me hurt like hell. I groaned, and then immediately sat up, instantly remembering yesterday's events.The first thing I saw was ...
A Thief in the Night (Part 2) by cnart12, literature
A Thief in the Night (Part 2)
~~Flashback~~It was a heavy weight in my hands, smooth and deceptively beautiful. The crystal practically hummed with energy, with power. I stood in the room, with the alarms blaring, red lights flashing, just utterly enraptured by it, oblivious to the world around me. The crystal let off a faint glow from within the amber depths, like it was waiting to burst into flames despite its cool surface. I held it eyelevel; it fit comfortably in the palm of my hand, but not small enough for me completely wrap my small fingers around it.
“Hey, you!”
Oh shit. I was jolted back to reality when the gruff yell of a rather large security guard broke thr...
You awake yet? GT Short for InotNedLoh (1/2) by cnart12, literature
You awake yet? GT Short for InotNedLoh (1/2)
Lilly grunted as she pulled herself over a particularly massive rock, arms shaking from the exertion. She cautiously stood up on wobbly legs, wiping the dirt and grime from her stinging palms onto her worn jeans. She lifted her gaze from the moss-covered rock and her lips parted in surprise, eyes going wide with awe at the beautiful sight before her. Rolling hills dotted with the occasional tree faded into the distance, mountains with snow-capped peaks were just barely in sight, ginormous to the small human girl. Lilly felt a smile touch her lips as she beheld the view, the hike had certainly paid off.Brushing the black hair from her foreh...
“No. I want you to stay away from him! I haven’t heard good things about this asshole. I just don’t want you getting hurt!”Belle blinked away tears, raising a hand to furiously scrub over her wet cheeks, “Who I’m friends with is none of your business! Stop being so protective, Charlie! I can figure out if Jason’s a good guy or not by myself. God, just leave me the hell alone.”Belle’s voice rose, and she was unable to hold back her next damaging words, “Sometimes I wish you weren’t my brother!”Charlie’s face grew stricken, green eyes wide with hurt. He blinked in shock. Belle immediately regretted her words, wishing to take them back, but i...
The Great Bridge 3.16 by littleLorraine, literature
The Great Bridge 3.16
"Henry, please don't go," I begged. I attempted to pull him back away from the edge of the table, but my arm was shaking so much it took all my strength just to keep my hold on him. Another gust of wind sent more shivers down my spine, dropping my already frigidly low temperature even further. Through chattering teeth, I managed to speak again. "Please d-don't leave.""You don't have to force this, I know you're terrified of me," he sighed, drooping his rigidly set shoulders. "I mean, just look at how much you're STILL shaking."Flinching back from his accusatory tone, my hand fell limply to my side. "Th-that's not... I'm n-not afraid of you...
"Damn, I can't believe I haven't been ambushed, yet. It's a good thing I planned ahead because, whew, that's rough." The day had finally come for one of the biggest games of the year - not the Championship and not Nationals, but the rivalry gridiron game of the season. Of course, it was all in fun, but the heat and intensity of all the fans were always at their peaks during these games, especially since the two schools were relatively close to each other. Madeline, or Madi as her friends and family referred to her as such, had already had the experience of what these games were like, but she and the rest of the people there re...
The Giant of Rainy Grove (GT) - Chapter 5(OLD) by alooa95, literature
The Giant of Rainy Grove (GT) - Chapter 5(OLD)
Grace fastened the buckle on her satchel with a snap. Inside were three well-worn dresses, an intricately carved comb that had belonged to her mother, and a few other keepsakes.
She looked around the wooden house she had called home all her life. The ceilings were so low that she could touch them with her fingers if she stood on tiptoe, but the house was immaculate. In winter, the smell of the fireplace greeted her when she came home. In spring and summer, the kitchen smelled of seasonal flowers, and in fall, apples.Her father had carved the chairs of dark oak, like the tables, and forest green cushions rested on them. A large oval window ...
The Rowan Tree: Chapter 21 by Rosebud91291, literature
The Rowan Tree: Chapter 21
“Rowan,” the woman repeated softly as she held the small child closer to her, eyes scanning over her body and pushing her wet blonde curls out of her face. Her one hand then moved down to Rowan’s forearm, causing the child to wince and yelp with pain at the sudden sensation she felt. “You’re alright, Rowan, you just have a small cut here,” the woman said. Looking down, she could see a long stream of red blood mixed with water was running its way down her arm from a cut near her elbow.
“Don’t worry, we can fix that right up,” the woman then said, offering her a small smile. She then reached over and grabbed what appeared to be a large k...
Valour and Blood || 3.3 by Obsess-Confess, literature
Valour and Blood || 3.3
“What took you so long?”Valeria curled up smaller as the three giants’ footsteps reverberated through the walls and made her hiding place quake.“We were just having breakfast.”“God, you look a mess.” Alasdair put his hands on his hips, eyeing Morgan’s dirty uniform and marked face. Tiny lines of dried blood criss-crossed his cheeks and knuckles. “Just got back?”“Aye.” Morgan shouldered past Ross, who swiftly moved to close the door and follow him into the kitchen. Morgan landed heavily in a chair, regarding Ross with a tired smile. “Don't suppose you have any of that left do you?” he asked, nudging Alasdair’s bowl. “I'm famished.”“O-of cou...
The Great Bridge 2.11 by littleLorraine, literature
The Great Bridge 2.11
"There, much better," Jarren's father remarked, underhandedly tossing the jar back to his son. Thankfully there wasn't much spin to the throw, so I stayed relatively still as my sealed container arched towards the younger Grondian. Jarren scrambled to catch me, grasping the jar firmly just before it hit the floor. His father paid him no mind, and started to rummage through other cupboards. "I don't know about you, but I'm famished. Put that thing away, and let's sit down for some lunch.""She has a name you know," he growled, stalking further into the kitchen. "And I don't want food, I want answers. I've kept up my end of the bargain, and n...
The Great Bridge 2.7 by littleLorraine, literature
The Great Bridge 2.7
After the monotony of sorting all the gems the day before, our next day at the lab was filled with us trying to discern what each type was capable of. There were only ten unique kinds of gems, in a cornucopia of different sizes and cuts. We were able to divide and conquer the task fairly easily, but it still took us two days. Our results showed us that the gray green stone known as the lithia emerald was the most receptive to magical energy, and would be our starting point.At the end of the second day, Amy took some samples of the gem home for additional studying, since Shale Laboratory would be closed for a few days to clean up a rather n...