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Dwight, Ayla, Vex.
Caleb's Log: Ayla's been pissed at me, so I tried making it up to her by taking her shopping, but it's not working!! I took Vex along, and he suggested asking Dwight to join. And she's still miffed at me! I thought that would work! She's always in a good mood with him around! What?? Do I buy her ice cream??
Dwight, Ayla, Vex.
Caleb's Log: Ayla's been pissed at me, so I tried making it up to her by taking her shopping, but it's not working!! I took Vex along, and he suggested asking Dwight to join. And she's still miffed at me! I thought that would work! She's always in a good mood with him around! What?? Do I buy her ice cream??
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700x768px 2.05 MB
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