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Jane Cloutier
263 Watchers311 Deviations
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  • United States
  • Deviant for 15 years
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (78)
Emerald: It's a great honor to be awarded an Emerald badge! (1)
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (6)
Gold Coin: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
Hype: You got hyped up! (1)

Thank you!

0 min read
To whoever gifted me the core membership - Thank you! It was totally unexpected.
anonymous's avatar
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Is it enough to just say "Tired - busy - hi-I'm-glad-you're-here,-but-I-can't-think-of-much-to-say"  ?No.  More than that.  Let me see - Garden is shutting down for the long, cold winter.  No apples this year.  Busy at work (enough about that).  My nephew has been coming over for the last few weeks to learn woodblock printing, Japanese-style (also known as "moku hanga".  I'm a very inexpert amateur, but I did take a class once.  It's been fun getting out those tools again.  I made small runs of a few prints, and want to do some more. I hope you all have something to be glad and thankful for, whether or not you are in a place that celebrate...
anonymous's avatar
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Wow!  I am overwhelmed.  I have been so busy elsewhere and so inactive here, and I just happened to look at my messages this evening and - wow.  I had no idea that I had won a DD, and I'm thrilled and honored, and, just, overwhelmed.  All the kind comments and attention and notes - wow.  I will try to answer questions, and I thank every one of you who has enjoyed my work for taking a look.  Wow.
anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 73

anonymous's avatar
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WingedJac's avatar
Your art is both amazing and beautiful! Such fine work!
KuroStarSunny's avatar
Amazing work! I love the style. It's very unique and creative!
Thank you!  I'm glad you enjoy it.  Your work looks like a lot of fun to do - makes me smile.
AngHuiQing's avatar
Hi there! Just wanted to say that your paperwork is amazing! :) It has a unique touch to it. And has that special sort of "magic" and whimsy in them. The shapes and rhythm and colours are just so interesting and wonderful.
That you very much! 
Your work is lovely - great faces! (I can't do faces.)
AngHuiQing's avatar
Welcome. And thanks in return too! :D
Myronavitch's avatar
Your gallery inspires us with your highly unique high sense of style and execution.