Chapter 1 - Reading Material for My Beloved
World of Warcraft FanFiction "Only Elwynn Forest Knows Our Secret" by Leopawtra
Reading Material for My Beloved
"My beloved Anduin,
These lines and the enclosed book are meant for your eyes only. After all, I promised you that one day, you would get to read my self-written story about the two of us.As you know, in my world, yours is merely fiction. A world into which millions of people escape to flee from the harsh reality for a moment.I did the same. I have been playing World of Warcraft since mid-2007.I have always been a Shaman in your world. First for the Alliance, then for the Horde, and finally for Azeroth.I have been close to you from the very beginning, my beloved Anduin. I felt your pain, your sorrow, and your hope of hopefully seeing your father again soon. Especially after your mother was taken from you in such an incredibly cruel way.The older you got, the more painfully I realized that I love