Spring ForwardCloudrunner64 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cloudrunner64/art/Spring-Forward-310187989Cloudrunner64

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Spring Forward



:faint: :iconspotlightplz: Trade with :iconinvisibubble: :iconspotlightplz: :faint:

I've been working on this non-stop. All night. :lol: First of all...I am SO SO SO SO SO sorry your half of the trade took this long. *checks date of submission* Good lord, it took me a year. GUYS. A YEAR. YEAAAAAR. I'm a horrible person. I'm sorry. :iconsadtardplz:

This is her lovely character Willow, whom I love...but does not love me! I have...I guess this is the 4th file? all attempts to draw this pretty girl, but she just did not want to cooperate and for some reason I couldn't force it. Not sure why, but I'd always end up ragequitting before I could get it to work. So today I was sitting around wanting to do something, and Willow kicked me in the head and said "YO FOO, DRAW MEEEEE"

So I did!
Finally. I'm so sorry, I don't even know what to say about this. I hate when people take so long on trades so I feel even worse about it ._. I hope this makes you feel better! I put tons of love and work into it. :heart: She was a huge challenge and I know I've got some stuff wrong somewhere, but I finally figured out how to make her coat shiny. Don't look too close at the background though. For as simple as it is, it was mean to me. :XD:

I figure she's going somewhere...off to discover something new, although whatever's behind her doesn't seem to be that friendly. LIGHT RAYS OF DOOM, GO AWAY CLOUDS

Okay I'm done now. :giggle: Again, I'm sorry hun, you deserved better. Hope you like it anyway.

Reference is from *Colourize-Stock, I changed his pose a bit though. Yay. Photo here: [link]
Background reference is also from *Colourize-Stock! She's awesome.
I put a pebble texture down in the river but you can't see it anymore, so. :grump:
Splashes are the devil. Also I realized that there should probably be a reflection and I covered up with shadow with a mysterious water color. Derp. It's 11:30 am and I haven't slept. I blame that. :paranoid:

Oh yes! Her half of the trade from LAST FRIGGEN YEAR is here:
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2500x2500px 5.18 MB
© 2012 - 2025 Cloudrunner64
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silverwolverine's avatar
OK, I admit, I have been staring at this in my inbox for ever and only just got 'round to commenting on it. Your shading is just so soft everywhere, which I do love. And once again the mane and tail are so swishy! SWISH SWISH SWISH!
I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.