Poison Oak
Written by Closer-To-The-Sun (Joseph Noblit)“Come on, Rarity, hurry up!” the excited unicorn filly called out as she hopped down from the fallen log to the dirty path. The neckerchief around her neck bounced lightly on the landing.“You don’t have to be in such a rush, Sweetie Belle! I assure you that the entire Everfree Forest isn’t be going anywhere,” the grown unicorn was talking her time walking through the path. She wasn’t sure why she agreed to go with her sister for this hike through the Everfree Forest, but Rarity was just happy to see Sweetie Belle happy. They never got to do things like this all that much, and it was a ...
Goodbye Stranger
Written by Closer-To-The-Sun (Joseph Noblit)This was it. The biggest convention of them all. Clash of the Cosmos Con. A must-attend for anypony who is a fan of the amazing sci-fi franchise. Every year, this Baltimare con draws ponies of all ages from all over Equestria, and even beyond. And just like the years before, the convention tries to one-up itself from before: a star-studded guest list, an amazing live concert, activities for all ages to enjoy, panels for just about anything, crazy parties and, of course, a spectacular vendors hall.But behind every single thing that the convention offers, there are plenty of hard w...
Father And Son
Writtten By Closer-To-The-Sun (Joseph Noblit)I was in my room before it all started. I was packing a few things for the whole thing. Sure, I was going to be here in Canterlot for the boot camp, but that doesn’t mean I will have the luxury of having a bed at home. I’ll be having to live with the rest of the recruits in the barracks.Staring into my open bag, I noticed how little I could really take with me. Only some clothing, hygiene stuff, and not much personal items.The sound of hoofsteps in the hallway broke me out of my daze. I looked up from my packing to see my dad was standing in the doorway.“Hey, Shining Armor. What a...
This Too Shall Pass by Closer-To-The-Sun, literature
This Too Shall Pass
This Too Shall Pass
Written By Closer-To-The-Sun (Joseph Noblit)"You ordered a cherry muffin and a café mocha, that comes to four bits please.""Yes, here you are," the elderly mare shuffled around as he placed the currency on the counter next to the register.The pony behind the counter pressed a few buttons and the machine made noise as it accepted the charge. The transaction was complete.The elderly pony excited the shop into the early morning, leaving the stallion alone in the shop with one other individual. The cream colored stallion looked at his other guest, seated at the counter. He had seen this purple unicorn many times before, com...
Things Your Smile Gives by Closer-To-The-Sun, literature
Things Your Smile Gives
Things Your Smile Gives
Written By Closer-To-The-Sun (Joseph Noblit)Celestia’s sun was starting to sink in the west, causing the sky to turn a mixture of all the colors of the spectrum. While the gorgeous sky was above had many admirers throughout Ponyville, there was one orange filly trotting home who paid no mind. It wasn’t that she did enjoy the beauty in nature. Far from it actually, she had just recently learned that she belonged in this town, where her family had been all this time. But that didn’t matter right now, instead she was on her way back to the family farm to continue her many chores.This was her life. Waking up when bright...