So...I'M GOING TO EVERFREE! by Taco-Bandit, journal
So...I'M GOING TO EVERFREE! MY GOAL HAS BEEN REACHED!!!! Thanks to :iconcaramelmlp: he's such a great guy! But I'm his art lackey again, I'm okay with this c:Going to leave it up a few more days if anybody interested in getting some commission tiers. If not that's fine too^-^Till next time. Stay strong and rock on! ~Your friendly neighborhood Taco Bandit
I'm holding a kickstart type of thing for 14 days!My buddy :iconcloser-to-the-sun: wants to help me get to Everfree Northwest but sadly I don't have the funds. I also might get to volunteer and help out if I get to go.Though I'm not looking for charity, I'm willing to work my flank off to get there!Also it's an all or nothing fund, so if the goal isn't reach, all money is refunded thus no rewards.Check out the link for more information you ever wanted to commission, this would be a great time to do it c:
Leaving and I need your opinion by Taco-Bandit, journal
Leaving and I need your opinion
Hello friends! Here the latest update from your lovable Taco Bandit! Leaving I'm leaving for a week. I wasn't planning to and it was a late notice but my dad needs my help so I'm going to be at his place for a while because somebody smash into his porch a few months ago -_-And I won't have much internet connection so just letting you all know if I don't reply back or something. I need your opinion Hey y'all, my great buddy :iconcloser-to-the-sun: is helping to get me to Everfree Northwest! and right now they need people to help and I wanna help out as well if possible. The thing is that I'm low on funds ;~; so I wanted to know if some of...