Favourite Visual Artist
Ralph Horsley, Todd Lockwood
Favourite Movies
Alien Vs Pred, Alien Series, Predator Series, Interveiw witha vamp
Favourite TV Shows
HIMYM, Adventure time, Black Adder, Dr Who
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Unkle, Death in vegas, SOAD, Rammstein, Oomph etc etc
Favourite Books
catch 22, interview with a vampire
Favourite Games
MGS:2, MGS:TTS, MGS:3, Killzone, F.E.A.R, Joint ops, DMC series
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Mech Pencil, charcol, a large combat knife... oh and a Flame thrower
Other Interests
Gaming, Motorbike, and well drawing Duh