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Jimmi B/Sylvok/TH-114
233 Watchers100 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (20)
My Bio

Current Residence:Queensland, Australia
Favourite genre of music: Rock, Metal, conceptual, death, classic, psyc elctrnica
MP3 player of choice: phone, PSP
Skin of choice: Alein Ware - Darkstar
Favourite cartoon character: Souska Sagara (Full Metal Panic)
Personal Quote: Roger Willco / Meatbag

Favourite Visual Artist
Ralph Horsley, Todd Lockwood
Favourite Movies
Alien Vs Pred, Alien Series, Predator Series, Interveiw witha vamp
Favourite TV Shows
HIMYM, Adventure time, Black Adder, Dr Who
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Unkle, Death in vegas, SOAD, Rammstein, Oomph etc etc
Favourite Books
catch 22, interview with a vampire
Favourite Games
MGS:2, MGS:TTS, MGS:3, Killzone, F.E.A.R, Joint ops, DMC series
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Mech Pencil, charcol, a large combat knife... oh and a Flame thrower
Other Interests
Gaming, Motorbike, and well drawing Duh
well my premium died a while back but my symbol stayed... so they gave me a free master chief Vs Grey fox (competition) :star::star-half::star-empty:Dragon sculpt :star::star::star-empty:Warlock paint :star::star::star-half:okay general updatethe defence forces they'ld take me BUT there's always a effin but...i havent shown then i can commit to a job... i've been in the enlistment process since i left school, being told you could be in within 6months don't bother blah blah blah :blahblahblah: much rage was had :rage: So they want me to work for 12months anywhere... working on that, recessions not making it easy.I'm picking u...
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Well time is slipping away from me like water through may hands, not sure if i'm liking it :PArts been slow, L4D, Cod4 and now TF2 are being played alot more and now i have to look after the house and cook etc that takes alot of time out of my day/afternoon i swear my sister has a hurricane following her around the house *sighs*anywho one more interview to go for the defence forces, which is a formality they said :P (in my case anyway) So its all comming in quite quickly :Dummmm that about it really :p what are you guys up to?
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0 min read
Hello there everyone in cyber land, for those interested in my current application to the Australian Defence Force heres the skinnypassed aptitude tests Psych profiling Essays Interviews among other things to be told at the end that i'm too young to have the leadership qualities they're looking for. I swear i could feel my eye twitch when he said that... So I'm not going straight in as a Lieutenant... but on the upside they did acknowledge i'ld slowly go insane from boredom i the infantry or any non specialist technical area, so I'm thinking of going Avionics Technician and use that as a step in to pilot :D its all coming full circle Huzza...
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Profile Comments 1.5K

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Jasperinity's avatar
Happy birthday! :D
birthdays's avatar

:woohoo: :iconcakelickplz: :iconballoonsplz: !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! :iconballoonsplz2: :iconcakelickplz:  :woohoo: 

On behalf of the birthdays team, I sincerely apologise that your greeting has arrived late this year.

birthdays would like to wish you a happy belated birthday for January 18th
We hope you had an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!

Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team :love:

Birthdays Team
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: hiddendelights
Jasperinity's avatar
Happy birthday! :D
birthdays's avatar
:woohoo: :party: :iconcakelickplz: !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! :iconcakelickplz: :party: :woohoo:

It's January 18th which means it's that time of the year again and your special day is here! We hope you have an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!

Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team :love:

Birthdays Team
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: =hiddendelights
Lintu47's avatar
Happy early Bday! :party:
ice-or-fire's avatar
Happy [early] birthday!
Have a wonderful day and fabulous year!
FbPheonix1's avatar
want you to know that you are amazing & you're my friend until my death. If I don't get this back, I understand. But, I have a game for you, once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 people, including the person that sent it to you . If you receive at least 3 back, you are loved. Nobody knows how important something is until...................they lose it. Tonight, right at 12:00a.m., the person you like is going to realize that they love you! Then, something is going to happen to you between 1:00 & 2:00a.m. Be ready for the greatest shock of your life. If you break this chain, you, you are going to have bad luck with love for a whole year. Send this to 15 people and see what happens ♥♥♥ :3