Batgirl and Robinclayrodery on DeviantArt

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Batgirl and Robin



With Batgirl I wanted to highlight the DIY aspect of her origin. It all starts out from jeans and a sweatshirt; simple, sturdy, and logical. There's a lack of uniformity in her color pallet because of all the various things that comprise the outfit. Her own utility belt would be created from police issue stock - one of the perks of being a cop's daughter. I also thought it would be neat if she had a sling messenger bag that would be concealed underneath her cape, as her tech isn't official Bat-issued and is thus not as miniaturized. Her cowl I imagined might be a converted knockoff "Bat-Man" masks that tourists buy at Gotham City gift shops, cut up and reshaped to fit her nicely and be completely unique. I didn't want to give her a logo in the classic sense, and figured a button tacked onto the sling-bag's strap would be perfect.

Robin's suit is something I've always wanted to update to a believable garment. There's no reason the younger sidekick of Batman should be less-armored than he. The mask is no longer just a domino-style, but wraps completely around the head and covers the ears for communication housing as well as basic ear/temple protection. The suit itself is based on cosmonaut pressure suits in that it has elements of a body harness built right into it with D-rings attached for him to latch lines onto for climbing/swinging. The 'R' logo has also had a much-needed redesign; the 90's are over.
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© 2012 - 2025 clayrodery
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BlueBeacon's avatar
wow how did you figure out how to update the outfits yet keep a similar look?