I want to take a moment to give a huge shout out to all of the Deviant Artist's that have stock art for others to use. All of you out there I thank you. I know a lot of you do it for fun, some do it for modeling practice, other do it to aid other artist. Either way you help make Deviant Art a rich environment for artist to show their talents and even improve their craft. For college students, class, books, rent, gas, and food take what little money they have for studies. To shell out 20 bucks for a CD with sub par stock art, with traditional poses, is costly. Other website charge 99 cents for a download, I even found one website as high as $1.99, for crap quality stock art. Now if your going to use a stock art for professional use then I understanding paying the artist that provided the stock art to use there work. Oh ever if your using as practice to improve skills with it can get expensive. This is where my hero0s, those who have stock art accounts come in. They save me tons of money as well help with improving my skill and for what price, a thanks and credit. Often time they will even let you use for professional use as long as you give them a notice and credit with no cost or at least for a fair price.
So from one artist to another I thank for your hard work, and I wish happy holidays.