You know I had this idea for a Saturday Morning Cartoon based off Clayfighter, except it would be about the Clay Meteorite crashing nearby middle school/high school combo where the students discovered the clay and they when they started making sculptures in the art class, the sculptures turn into the Clayfighters from the games depending on what the theme of the sculpture (for example if you make a circus themed sculpture you get Bonker the Clown and if you make a pet themed sculpture you get Lockjaw) and uses them to fight eachother and mess around and all that, eventually the military starts getting involved and there's this evil james bond villain-esc general in the military who secretly wants to use the clay as a weapon to take down the President of the United States with at first hiring mercenaries to try to steal them then eventually holding a Clayfighter Tournament to lure the clayfighters in (and also local criminals would use them too), and it would basically be Pokemon if it was a Stephen Spielberg cartoon with a pinch of slice of life (only with an ongoing story), and also the human characters would be traditional hand drawn but the clayfighters are clay animated, do you think that would be a good idea?