claudinei230's avatar


Asperger Artist Claudinei
233 Watchers414 Deviations
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Easing Into The New Year by HMontes, journal

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Lalaloopsy fanfiction: The Good Ol' Spooky Times by claudinei230, literature

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Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
My Bio

Creative Asperger Cartoonist Claudinei

Claudinei's Youtube Channel

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Favourite Visual Artist
BunjiStudios, yumifan and AnimatEd, etc.(and original creators, even Pat Ventura, the funniest one)
Favourite Movies
Ed, Edd n' Eddy's Big Picture Show
Favourite TV Shows
ed edd n eddy, chowder, and others (except ren and stimpy, rocko's modern life, the angry beavers, the COMEDY CENTRAL cartoons and ohter banned cartoons)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Puffy AmiYumi
Favourite Games
Bad Piggies
Tools of the Trade
pencil and MS paint
Other Interests
cartoons, flash animations, comics, voice of characters and OC characters, soundtracks from cartoons (like spongebob squarepants production music) and sound effects
Teste de animação do Luís gritando "O quê?!" Feito com o software Pencil2D Teste de animação em cores do Luís gritando "O quê?!" Feito com o software Pencil2D
anonymous's avatar
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[PT-BR] Para evitar problemas e confusões de direitos autorais, eu tive que reiniciar o projeto da série animada Turma Mista. Os crossovers são para os episódios especiais, personagens de outros desenhos, só no canal. A série animada Turma Mista agora é uma série animada de personagens animados. Ainda gosto de crossovers animados, mesmo do Cartoon Network. Peço desculpas por isso. Eu não quero chatear, nem decepcionar vocês. Mas não se preocupem, a série animada Turma Mista ainda está de pé depois das mudanças que eu já mencionei. [EN] To avoid copyright troubles and problems, I had to restart the Mix Gang cartoon project. Cartoon crossovers are for special episodes, characters from other cartoons, just on the channel. The cartoon Mix Gang now is a cartoon of cartoon characters. I still love cartoon crossovers, even from Cartoon Network. I apologize for it. I don't want to upset, nor disappoint you. But don't worry, the Mix Gang cartoon is still alive after the changes i've mentioned.
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I have Asperger's Syndrome, one of kinds of Autism. :)
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Profile Comments 788

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Pinkanator99's avatar

Any chance you still have Kaailynpno's video's somewhere? They seem to be wiped off the face of the internet.

Luqmandeviantart2000's avatar

Bad news, Claudinei... DreamFairyGoth/SpookyBlackCatBoo got deactivated... :(

uniparrot20's avatar
Luqmandeviantart2000's avatar

Maybe she deleted both of her accounts and takes a break on the internet.