SeptemberClarissaStudios on DeviantArt

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ClarissaStudios's avatar




© MissClarissa 2015.

I wanted to get back into making some art - so this was just for fun really. I'm so rusty it's insane, but not surprising seeing as I haven't made anything for over 2 years.

Constructive criticism would be really appreciated! :heart:

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Big thank you to all the stock providers for providing such marvellous stock!
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4268x2826px 13.85 MB
© 2015 - 2025 ClarissaStudios
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Ruanly's avatar
there's nothing quite like the first manip after a long, long break. It can be so frustrating and make you feel like quitting entirely and I'm so glad you pushed through it because it means we all get to see your beautiful art. <3 And this piece specifically! It's glorious. The concept of backlit wings is really nice and you executed it beautifully. The rich chocolate tones in the horse, the soft flow in its mane, and even the dainty pose you chose that has some motion in its otherwise static location.. I love it. Talk about comin' back with a bang.