Hello!Clarifiy on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/clarifiy/art/Hello-615213556Clarifiy

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Clarifiy's avatar




Hai, guys! This is my first (real) picture on Deviantart! I have posted once in the past, but it was for a contest online and I hardly got it in on time, it was super messy lol. Anyway, I am pretty new here but I have been drawing for about 4 years, more like 3 since one year was spent with no progression at all, just the same cat over and over. I am pretty young, about to be 12. I am going to get a drawing tablet, maybe for my birthday or something (I have been working nonstop for a week or two lol) so digital art might be featured here as well. I am not very funny but I try to be, you can laugh at how pathetic my attempts are XD (i say lol and XD a lot) I love anime, MLP:FiM, Gravity Falls, video games, Warrior Cats, Transformice, Animal Jam (do you count online games as video games?) Minecraft, and I have several OC charecters because I have nothing to do but write, draw, and read/watch manga/anime... The charecter(s, I should say) on your screen are two of my non-coloured original charecters, who I am in the process of writing about on Wattpad. I'm not very cute, I would love to be though, and I would love to be a comic writer or a normal author one day. (I also like undertale, forgot to mention lol). This account is a place where I want happiness, art, ABSOLUTELY NO DRAMA, and no hate. If you like, I don't know, Dora the Explorer and you're 18 whatevs, I don't care. I hope we can all be good friends and that my art brings you happiness. The only rule I have about it is no reposting without my permission/giving me credit, and no tracing please. I might do commissions in the future, but for now I am willing to take simple requests, if you'd like. I can do dogs, cats, humans, ponies, and chibis, both animal and human. I also do Undertale charecters, I'm not amazing though lol (I need to stop saying lol) anyway, thanks for reading this much. Once again, I hope my art brings you nothing but enjoyment, if you want or have any tips please ask or leave tips in the descriptions, I will definitely take them into consideration. Thank you!
Image size
1936x2592px 226.93 KB
iPod touch
Shutter Speed
1/15 second
Focal Length
3 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jun 13, 2016, 7:26:23 PM
© 2016 - 2025 Clarifiy
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StarlightXSword's avatar
I like the pose and how you drew the eye! :)