Agent Clam tied upClamxPerry123 on DeviantArt

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Agent Clam tied up



If you saw my drawing of Clam from Camp Lazlo in a tuxedo, you would know that I have this fantasy of Clam being a secret agent, like Perry from Phineas and Ferb, and James Bond. 

Well, I decided to make another drawing, and this time, have Clam become an ACTUAL secret agent taking on a mission. 

If you don't know what's gong on in the drawing, let me explain a little backstory to you:

Agent Clam was taking on a secret mission to stop an evil villain and his henchmen from taking over the world. 

While Clam was confronting the villain, he got shot with a tranquilizer dart, knocking him out cold. 

Later on, Clam woke up, and found himself tied up with rope in a room full of TNT/explosives that are just about to explode, as you can see in the picture. This is the current situation Agent Clam is in as we speak. 

Will Agent Clam be able to free himself from his trap?  Will he be able to escape the room before all the explosives go off? And will he be able to find the evil villain and his henchmen, foil their evil plan, and save the world? 

We may never know. 
Image size
2448x3264px 3.35 MB
iPhone 5
Shutter Speed
1/15 second
Focal Length
4 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jun 1, 2015, 11:11:21 PM
© 2015 - 2025 ClamxPerry123
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Clamrino2307's avatar
Oh noes! Save him :D.