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geeettttttt dunked on!
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Kevin Conroy

1 min read

Just heard about Kevin Conroy. He was a fantastic actor.

BTAS was my introduction to the world of DC, and Kevin's take on the Dark Knight was always the definitive portrayal of the character in my mind.

He was vengeance. He was the knight. He was Batman.


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21st Birthday

1 min read

Well, guys, I'm officially 21 years old. It's exciting, but also a little depressing as this is my first birthday without either of my Grandparents.

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First off, just want to say that I enjoyed the sequel trilogy. All three movies had problems, and didn't compare to story told throughout the prequels or sequels, but were still enjoyable in their own way. John Williams' score is amazing. And they did they best they could with finishing Leia's story.

  1. In the opening scrawl there's is more detail on the Resistance following the Battle of Crait and of Leia training Rey. Also, Palpatine does announce himself. Instead, Kylo hears a mysterious voice telling him to come to Exegol.

  2. During Kylo's battle and the beginning and his first encounter with Palpatine, he's accompanied by the Knights of Ren. When they meet the Emperor it's during a ritual that transfers the Sith Lord's spirit into a clone body. They are ordered ordered to bring Rey to the Emperor.

  3. Snoke is also briefly mentioned as a puppet created by Sidious who attempted to go rogue by killing Rey. The Final Order is revealed to have been a project ordered by the Emperor in secret after the destruction of the first Death Star.

  4. The Final Order Star Destroyers are mainly automated and each carries a legion of Sith Troopers.

  5. The reveal of Palpatine starts dissension among the First Order's ranks. We also get a look into the personalities of the Knights of Ren.

  6. On Pasaana the group keeps a low profile due to stormtroopers appearing at the festival. When they meet Lando, he goes on to reveal he had left the search with Luke was because his daughter who was kidnapped by the First Order and is looking for her, having tracked her to the planet.

  7. When they encounter the snake creature underground, Rey harms it. Feeling bad, she heals the wound.

  8. When Kylo tracks Rey to Pasaana, the Knights of Ren (who use lightsabers) quickly take down Chewie then engage Rey after she destroys Kylo's ship. They nearly kill her if not for the intervention of Kylo, who lets her leave, which confuses the Knights of Ren.

  9. There's no tug of war for the ship that supposedly has Chewie.

  10. When BB-8 repairs D-O, the latter's memory is damaged but he seems to recognize Rey's name. This is continued when she repairs him on Kijimi and he recalls attempting to help Rey's parents flee Ochi before being deactivated.

  11. When Kylo reveals the truth of Rey's origin, he explains having already discovered it when he first interrogated her. Refusing to believe it, he lied to Rey about her parents only to accept the truth when he finally met Palpatine.

  12. He goes on to explain that Rey is part of the Emperor's final contingency plan. He had manipulated the midi-chlorians as he had learned from his master to create a powerful vessel. He would kept alive through a series of clone bodies until the powerful vessel was born.

  13. The Knights of Ren join Kylo on Kef Bir but are ordered to not interfere. After witnessing Rey heal their leader who allows her to leave, they deem him a traitor and report to General Pryde who, in turn, reports to the Emperor.

  14. The reason Leia left her training was to care for Ben.

  15. In the scene of Lando walking aboard the Falcon, he makes reference to L3-37. He also reminisces about Han.

  16. During the attack led by Finn and Jannah on Pryde's command ship, they retreat due to being overwhelmed by the powerful Sith Troopers.

  17. The Resistance fails to keep the Final Order from entering space, but Lando and Chewie arrive with reinforcements from across the galaxy, preventing them from leaving. (Among the reinforcements are Zorii, Zay, Shriv, Kalani, and the Ace Pilots led by Kazuda Xiono)

  18. Lando reveals that Luke's sacrifice actually had inspired millions who began to build up their own fleets in secret.

  19. It leads to an epic space battle that ends with the Final Order being destroyed and crashing back down to Exegol.

  20. Ben arrives on Exegol with help from members of the First Order who have defected, led by Rae Sloane.

  21. When Ben is surrounded by the Knights of Ren, he attempts to convince his former classmates not to follow the Emperor but they refuse. Palpatine won their loyalty by promising them power.

  22. After the Emperor absorbs their power and throws Ben into a ravine, his followers restrain Rey and prepare to transfer the Emperor's spirit into her body. Hearing the voices of his family encouraging him, Ben climbs back up just as the ritual begins. He jumps in the way and is possessed by the Emperor's spirit.

  23. Rey breaks free, and Palpatine, settling for Ben's body, engages her in a brief duel and brutally defeats her. Rey then hears the voices of past Jedi, who lend her their strength.

  24. They duel once again, Ben regains control long enough for Rey to reluctantly stab him, destroying Palpatine's spirit.

  25. Ben dies peacefully in Rey's arms. (No kiss) The remnants of the First Order disband following his death.

  26. During the Resistance celebration, Lando meets Jannah, and after a short conversation about where she came from, he realizes she's his daughter.

  27. When the local on Tatooine asks for Rey's name; not ready to reveal her real name to the galaxy and seeing the spirits of Luke and Leia looking on, she replies "Rey Skywalker."

  28. As she approaches the sunset with BB-8, Rey sees the spirit of Ben. The two smile and wave.

So, that's what I would've have changed. As I've said, despite it's flaws, I love the sequel trilogy. The Rise of Skywalker to me, was a fine conclusion to the story. It left a lot to be desired, but I can honestly say I went home satisfied.

Anyway, let me know what you all think of my changes.

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The War of Cybertron:

On Cybertron, the Autobot resistance, led by Optimus Prime, are on the verge of losing the civil war with the Decepticons and prepare to evacuate the planet. Autobot scout B-127 fights alongside Optimus and his friend Cliffjumper. A Decepticon force, led by Soundwave and Shockwave, intercept them during the evacuation, and Optimus sends B-127 to Earth on an escape pod in order to set up a base of operations where the Autobots can regroup.


In 1987, B-127 reaches Earth alone, crash-landing in California and disrupting a training exercise by Sector 7, a secret government agency that monitors extraterrestrial activity on Earth. Colonel Jack Burns presumes B-127 to be a hostile invader and attacks him. B-127 scans a Willys MB Jeep and flees into the forest, where the Decepticon Blitzwing ambushes him.

When B-127 refuses to reveal Optimus's whereabouts, Blitzwing tears out his voice box and damages his memory core; despite this, B-127 severely wounds Blitzwing with one of his own missiles. Before collapsing from his injuries, B-127 scans a nearby 1967 Volkswagen Beetle.

Charlie Watson, Shatter, and Dropkick:

Meanwhile, teenage girl Charlie Watson remains traumatized by the death of her father, and resentful of her mother Sally for remarrying. Charlie finds a yellow Volkswagen Beetle in a scrap yard belonging to Hank, who gives it to her as an 18th birthday present. When trying to start it, Charlie unknowingly activates a homing signal that is detected by Decepticons Shatter and Dropkick as they interrogate and execute Cliffjumper on one of Saturn's moons.

The pair head to Earth where they gain Earth vehicle forms and unite with Blitzwing, who reveals he had been hunting Autobots when he came across a faint signal coming from Earth that seemed similar to those used by the Decepticons. Pretending to be peacekeepers, they persuade Dr. Powell and Sector 7, despite Burns' misgivings, to help them find and capture B-127, whom they claim is a fugitive.


While Charlie attempts to fix the Beetle, it transforms into B-127, whom she befriends and nicknames "Bumblebee". They unlock a message from Optimus urging Bumblebee to defend Earth in their absence, which restores some of his memories. Bumblebee is discovered by Charlie's neighbor Memo, who agrees to protect their secret due to his feelings for Charlie.

Left alone, Bumblebee accidentally destroys Charlie’s home and causes an energy spike that attracts Sector 7’s attention. When Sally blames Charlie for the destruction, Charlie angrily leaves with Bumblebee and Memo, only to be intercepted by Sector 7 and the Decepticons.

Rescue and Final Fight:

Bumblebee is captured while Charlie and Memo are returned home. Charlie finally expresses her pain over her father’s death and makes amends with her brother Otis, who helps Charlie follow Burns to the Sector 7 outpost where Bumblebee is being held. The Decepticons torture Bumblebee into revealing the Autobots’ whereabouts, discovering that the Autobots are coming to Earth.

They leave him for dead after revealing their plan to bring the Decepticons to Earth. At the same time, Blitzwing, having suffered too much damage from his fight with Bumblebee, is forced to enter stasis mode to await repairs. After alerting Burns to the truth about the Decepticons, Dr. Powell is killed by Dropkick.

Charlie electro-shocks Bumblebee back to life, restoring his memories. After fighting past Burns' obstruction and attempt to re-secure Bumblebee with the help of Memo and Charlie's family, Charlie and Bumblebee set out to prevent Shatter and Dropkick from contacting the Decepticons using a radio tower at a nearby harbor. Burns and his men also intervene, but their helicopter is shot down by the Decepticons but is saved by Bumblebee.

Having learned of Cliffjumper's death during his interrogation, Bumblebee avenges him by ripping Dropkick apart with a chain. Meanwhile, Charlie deactivates the Decepticon beacon, causing an enraged Shatter to pursue her. Bumblebee destroys a dam wall, triggering a flood that causes a cargo ship to crush Shatter. Burns, having a change of heart, allows Charlie and Bumblebee time to escape before the army arrives.


Charlie and Bumblebee arrive on a cliff overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge, where Charlie, realizing that Bumblebee has a greater purpose on Earth, says goodbye, and returns to her family. Bumblebee scans a 1977 Chevrolet Camaro and drives away.

Bumblebee reunites with Optimus Prime in a forest and has decided to use Bumblebee as his name instead of B-127. More Autobots start to arrive through Earth's atmosphere. Charlie finally finishes repairing a Corvette she and her father were working on and drives off into the sunset.

End-credits Scene:

Blitzwing, still in stasis, is salvaged by Burns and the military along with the remains of Shatter and Dropkick. They plan to make their own experimental Transformer with two forms: a jet and a tank.

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Changes I would've made to The Rise of Skywalker by CJN555, journal

Changes I would've made to Bumblebee by CJN555, journal

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