Hello there,
Whoever finds themselves reading this, I hope you are happy, healthy, and safe, in spite of what's been going on with the world in 2020.
It's been a long time since I've done anything on my dA account. But after everything that's happened in 2020 and personal experiences I've had since moving out, I decided to start a new dA account--which you can find here.
I go by a new online name, but I still am fond of being called CJ on the internet; so, I at least wanted to keep that part of my identity~
Anyhow, since June 2020, I've actually been posting on multiple social media accounts outside of dA.
They are my Art Instagram, my Tumblr Account, and my Bullet Journal (BuJo) Instagram.
My art Instagram's self-explanatory, and it's there for you to see what I've been up to if you don't wanna wait to see me post daily/frequently, haha. But my Tumblr and BuJo IG provide very different content from what I've shared online.
My tumblr account is a Core blog with an emphasis