city-in-surrender's avatar


/paper hearts.
83 Watchers200 Deviations


1 min read
Hey, watchers. I know most or all of you have facebooks, and if you dig my art, I've started a facebook fanpage for my creative creations.

Check it out, 'like' if you feel the need. I sure would appreciate it.…

/shameless self-promotion.


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the ides.

1 min read
Well, it's march, and I'm not really sure what to write, but hey, it's been awhile.

I haven't been drawing even close to enough. I'm been trying to keep on it, sketch or paint a bit everyday. I feel like it will get easier come summer. It always does.

Am I the only one of the opinion that winter is just, like... the worst? Seriously. As soon as I feel that it's wise to do so, I'm so out of MN. I can't even handle this blizzard in mid-march. I'm done with it.

In other news, looking into moving into my own apartment. Adult stuff. Whoo.


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oh, you know, this always happens to me.
as soon as I need to kick it into gear...
gone are my creative juices,
gone is my willpower to do much of anything beyond the routine of
just sort of disappointed in myself,
constantly criticizing and overthinking my ideas
until I just overthink them out of existence.
which is all very helpful, thank you.
i expect so much of myself
that I end up expecting to little.

somebody should kick my ass
and jumpstart my brain.


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i would really like to thank whoever gifted
me with the 3 month premium membership!
I really appreciated it, whoever you are.

other than that...
lots of work.
i have a show in December at Dunn Bro's.
Arcade Fire's new album is fantastic.
i am really into Glee.
just sayin'.
the end.

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i guess it's about time to update,
although i have few.

decided to take a year (at least) off before making college decisions,
and concentrate on working, saving, and maybe doing some shows around town.

my camera finally has a name,
Remus, after my favorite werewolf.

other than that...
just soaking up the sun. when it's here, that it.
working quite a bit, no complaints.

and that's about it.

-n o_ra

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facebookery. by city-in-surrender, journal

the ides. by city-in-surrender, journal

flashing lights. by city-in-surrender, journal

i wanna be forever young. by city-in-surrender, journal

mischief managed. by city-in-surrender, journal