Planetary Moe 2018 #7: Earth's T-shirtCioccolatodorima on DeviantArt

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Planetary Moe 2018 #7: Earth's T-shirt



It's Luna's payback time! This is a joke comic based on a request on tumblr asking me to draw Earth in a NASA t-shirt like the Earth-chan meme thing. But, I'm like only one logo is lonely, why not all of it?
Webtoon 2018 edition of my Planetary Moe strips (hence some strips are now longer than 4 panels, especially to the strips I initially posted here before!)I decided to post it here as well!

PDF compilation of 1-13 out now (if you want all of them in a single file hehe)!Planetary Moe: Solar System and Friends(2018) VOL1
Originally posted on Webtoon and Tapas~
Webtoon link…
Taps Link

For the original 2011-2015 monochrome series +Character sheets of all characters, they are compiled on Wordpress!

For bonus character designs and non-comics…

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machmellwo123's avatar
Why is it blurred out?