Strawberry milk plushCinyke on DeviantArt

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Cinyke's avatar

Strawberry milk plush



Inspired by [link]

I made this plushie out of felt. The eyes were made out of black sculpey and after glazing them, I glued them on the plush. The blush is pink acrylics paint.
He's about 5 inch tall.
Image size
500x385px 280.77 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Cinyke
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Manga-Luva's avatar
Could you make my friend :iconwoodland-tracks: a milk carton tutorial? She will pay points for it, but not TOO many...If you agree to this please send her a comment...and let me know too so i can tell her ;) Thank you soo much ! She isnt going to sell them, she wants a milk carton pillow ;) (:

Thank You♥♥♥