PumpkinCinyke on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cinyke/art/Pumpkin-115192471Cinyke

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And now for something more recent. I made this yesterday with classic sculpey and acrylics paint. In reality he's more of a red orange, but apparently my camera made him more of a bright orange.
As you can probably tell, I broke the second 'tooth' from the right when I took it out of the oven, but with some glue and paint he holds really well. I also broke the stem (do you call it a stem? :P) but that's a lot harder to tell.
I'm a bit late for Halloween, but I like him anyway. :D
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Actress-AMFM's avatar
Ooooohhhh, pure evil!!!! :o
It actually turned out pretty well! Just don't put it near the bird and the pig, or it will try to eat them! :p