:Summoner's Sunrise:Cindiq on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cindiq/art/Summoner-s-Sunrise-108204174Cindiq

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:Summoner's Sunrise:



hehe, back to drawing boys. And I totally didn't make it, it was suppose to be submitted on Jan 1st orz, but I didn't finish it >.<

Here is my last piece of work until April, cuz I made the decision of not taking my Tablet with me back to school, so it'll have to stay at home collecting dust D;

Hm, he looked fine when I first drew him naked, but I guess I have some clothing drawing issues >_>. Now I just think it looks odd. O well, I'll fix the pose somehow later after I came home from school (april XD), after all, this really only started out as a random sketch ^^'

Summoner's sunrise, the first sun of the new year ^^. And yes, I love the sky, that's why I can't stop drawing it orz. Happy New Year everyone ^^


The sun comes out of the east I know XD, but just think of this as in east XD, and the left side of the pic is cut off XD, so that makes it east XD. I will make a tut. out of this pic if I decide to later on.
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Alfazil's avatar
Looks awesome, I love the background