CinderingFur's avatar


Just here to for the fun!
10 Watchers19 Deviations

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Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Sep 3
  • Canada
  • Deviant for 4 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (236)
DeviantArt Tutorials: Participated in Tutorials Campaign
DeviantArt Tutorials Landscape: Participated in Tutorials Campaign
Hispanic Heritage Month 2021: Participated in Hispanic Heritage Month 2021
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Hey, nice to see you here! As you can see by my tagline I am here for mostly just the complete fun of it. There´s no rhyme or reason to my art, I do art whenever inspiration of some sort or another happens to come to me. Sometimes the art will be good and sometimes it´ll just be random nonsense.  Regardless, I hope you enjoy something in my strange gallery.

Favourite Movies
Favourite TV Shows
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Books
Wings of Fire, Runebinder, The Dresden Files
Favourite Games
Night in the Woods, The Last of Us, The Last Station, What Remains of Edith Finch, Little inferno, Layers of Fear, Resident Evil: Biohazard, Firewatch
Other Interests
Physiological horror

Profile Comments 27

anonymous's avatar
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KaidokJ's avatar

Thanks for the llama 😍

I knew a llama once. Complicated fellow. Went by Albert. Odd name for a llama. Stranger still, the name on his harpoon gun license was Kevin. The license could have been fake, or stolen, but the DNA test came back with the same answer. Kevin Llamason. 73. Organ donor. Person of Interest.

Very suspicious.

But it wasn't enough to evict him. His references were checkered. His credit was good. Better than mine, even. So I let him stay. Pending the results of a series of wacky physical challenges to determine roommate compatibility. Standard tests really. Belching, licking and hairiness, determined by a painstaking strand count. Tolerance to noxious bodily stench. Turing. All failed. He blamed his allergies. Lightweight.

But I was willing to overlook that. A good roommate can be like a brother-in-law for life. It's all about compromise. Which he was unwilling to do. Spitting. It's a disgusting habit and he demanded that I stop. He could not be moved on this one point. Very unreasonable. No flexibility.

So under the cover of high noon, he fled. He took with him a failed friendship, an obviously optimistic dread of the future and my sixth favorite toothbrush! I have never felt so betrayed. That toothbrush was like a toothbrush to me. But at least he's gone. And good riddance. That guy was way too much of a chick magnet, and who needs that poultry drama?  ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ

Gastrys's avatar

Thank you a lot for so much faves!!

CinderingFur's avatar

No problem, your very welcome!

Derttta's avatar

Thanks for the fave!!!! ^^

CinderingFur's avatar

Your very welcome!!! :3

Solariorr's avatar

Thank you for all the favs !