I am Cimeries or as you'll learn through my social media as Sanjeev 'Cimeries' Retnasingam.
I'm an author, artist, poet and an engineer. This is all just a hobby for me so advanced apologies if I seem like I'm ignoring and such. I just do this out of passion and share the fruits of my work. I've published my very own novel called Monolith: Birth of the Outsider and I occassionally post art, poem-art, poetry and rarely short stories.
Right now I'm making sure all my old poems have a dedicated art piece while my new poems are saved up for another day. Also working on the sequel to my novel and aiming to get my Monolith series done by the end of this decade. Again this is all a hobby to me and not sure if I'll be going pro, but stay tuned to all my work on:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cimeriesashadow
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CimeriesAF
Art of Cimeries (My personal website): https://artofcimeries.co.uk/
Thank you for the llama.
Thank you for the badge!!!
Thanks for the fav
Thank you so much for the Hype badge!💜 I'm really glad you appreciated my works, and I'm thankful for your support! It means a lot to me.^^
Thank you for the hype badge!