Poems that have stayed with me 2

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Cicatrixed's avatar

Okay so it was January when I last did this kind of journal post and I was meaning to make it a regular thing that I do here on DA. Clearly that didnt quite take off and it's taken me a while to get back to the idea, but I really think this is an important thing for me to do, so here we go.

The idea is that instead of featuring my favorite new poems, I feature older poems that have stayed with me through time, pieces that still hold special meaning for me. Of course, the problem with this is that I'll be featuring deviants that aren't necessarily active on DA anymore, but I can live with that; these works of art live on. I'm including only 5 poems at a time to keep it as reader-friendly as possible and I'm featuring different poets than last time. I hope you'll enjoy these poems too. (Also here's a link to the last Poems that have stayed with me.)

First up, a poem from December 20, 2019:

the illusionist by Joesmo25, a beautifully written poem about remembering, memories and time, with a heavy, sinking feeling to it.

Next up, a poem from November 24, 2019:

An untitled poem from PermanentlyExhausted. An absolutely heartbreaking piece about suicide, loss and mourning. The last line really hits, I feel it in my bones every time I read it. For me, it sometimes also works as a deterrent on my dark days, a reminder of the pain I would cause.

Thirdly, I present to you a poem from November 12, 2019:

Heaven's gift to hell by incalyscent. A heavily melancholic piece, with hints of bitterness, that still ends in hope. I absolutely love the last three stanzas.

Fourth, I give you something from April 15, 2020:

Complicated by wordturner is a poem about complicated relationships and people, changing and remembering. It really hits home in all its simplicity.

Last but not least, a poem from July 19, 2020:

July by curls-and-yelling is a short poem with a sharp sting, that's all I have to say. Read it, feel it for yourself.

That's it for this time! I hope you enjoyed these great works of art too, and hopefully I will get around to doing this again with a little shorter time in between next time.

© 2021 - 2025 Cicatrixed
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