Sarcastic, creative, visual, and nothing but trouble.
Always looking for someone to work with, and finding someone who can really color my creations would be greatly appreciated. I love to draw and create. If desired, I can generate print versions of pictures but I'm not here to make money right now, mostly to express creativity.
Current Residence: Tulsa
Favourite genre of music: anything that does not put me to sleep.
Favourite style of art: Anything with real creativity
MP3 player of choice: My cell phone
Wallpaper of choice: changes randomly
Favourite cartoon character: Calvin & Hobbes, Hobbes Rules!
Personal Quote: All else fails, call it practice.
Happy belated birthday 🎂 🎈
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Please check out my Domination folder:\
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A cute and funny idea - a sleepwalking (lunatic) cyborg girl who moves like a robot with "beep-boop" sounds!
Came for the mechs, stay for the mechs, but the girls are a nice bonus