Ib- the forgotten portraitchriston-clivef on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/christon-clivef/art/Ib-the-forgotten-portrait-310333211christon-clivef

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Ib- the forgotten portrait



this is Ib!!8DDD

i believe that everyone knows that Ib is very famous now,
and it is, indeed, a scary but interesting game.XD
what really attract me is, the story and the characters.XD
Pixiv is doing a Ib fanart contest,
i'll use this as one of the pics i insert for the contest.

so this is fanart for one of the endings, "the forgotten portrait",
that's really not a good end, but the story id still attractive.;w;
and what i drawn here, the broken frame stand for Mary and the blue one is Garry.
Spoilers end

i tried to use darker color for this to show the sad/scary atmosphere...failed.:iconterrafacepalmplz:

okay i found that soooo many people are waiting for my pics...(request, HB gift etc)
in fact i'm sooo busy right now, i have works to do in school and at home too,
but still the pics i plan to draw are as many as the stars.:iconlazycryplz: why am i so greedy.
anyway i will try to draw all of them as soon as i can...

so, everyone DUN MISS THIS GAME!
download it and play it right now!!
download link: [link]

this is Ib and Garry in Ib.
Image size
1000x800px 472.16 KB
© 2012 - 2025 christon-clivef
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NekoChan12138's avatar
Ib looks a bit creepy...