Ib- In the waterchriston-clivef on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/christon-clivef/art/Ib-In-the-water-374763608christon-clivef

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christon-clivef's avatar

Ib- In the water



have no idea for the tittle, orz
it's quite a long time since i draw something using SAI/tablet, lol
coz last week i'm busy in school and lazy to draw somehow..

when i draw this i just wanna test the coloring of water... (so this is actually a doodle <_<)
but you can see i still cant make the water looks shinny and real... i didnt draw reflection on it.<_<
i should really use some references when i draw the water next time.
and her anatomy especially her hands all ruined...forgive me.orz
i wonder what is in the water...:iconheplz:

this is Ib from the horror game, Ib.
Image size
1100x1500px 1.06 MB
© 2013 - 2025 christon-clivef
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maye-may's avatar
This is the first drawing of yours that I saw and that made me watch you! I just saw it again as I was browsing through your gallery, and I still love it just as much! :heart: But really all of your art is so amazing and you are a huge inspiration!! :iconheartrollplz: