Radenko LavicChrisBramcore on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/chrisbramcore/art/Radenko-Lavic-960741696ChrisBramcore

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Radenko Lavic



“The Iron Man of Krakohzia”, Radenko Lavic is a former KOMITET Officer, and mercenary working within the Ancerious Galaxy. He is currently employed as the Body Guard to Serashee Krisra.

Born in the Krakohzian city of Sheventy in the northern territories, Radenko is the eldest of two children, born into a family of foresters. Despite this, both his sibling (Kristina) and Radenko both found themselves taking up careers within the state security apparatus, the KOMITET.

A natural strong man, Radenko’s career took him into physical security, where he was known for his unflinching loyalty and unwavering dedication to duty. However, as time went on, Lavic's operations became increasingly heavy-handed, causing concern for the government of the day. As a result, he lost his job, but this did not deter him from continuing to work in the security sector.

Lavic has since turned to mercenary work and has become known for his no-nonsense approach. He takes on high-risk missions and is known for his fearlessness and ability to get the job done. Despite his controversial past, Lavic has become a highly sought-after operative and is trusted by those who work with him. While his methods may be unorthodox, there is no denying that Lavic is a highly skilled professional who takes his work very seriously. Known by the moniker “The Iron Man of Krakohzia”, Radenko’s left arm is of cybernetic design, having lost his arm in “an incident with a bear”, as he describes it
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