Thame W. FabelChocoSand on DeviantArt

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ChocoSand's avatar

Thame W. Fabel



I did the recent art meme where you take your favourite characters and mash them up to make some sort of new Original Character from their traits.
It was fun and I enjoyed nit picking and thinking what things I really like about the characters I adore. It was also a fun trip down memory lane and it also kinda just expresses the types of personalities I'm attracted or drawn to.
9 choices: Ser Aymeric, Carmen Sandiego, Watari Yutaka, Maria Renard, Vincent Valentine, Dante, Guildmarm, Sesshoumaru, and Kusuriuri
So since some of my choices have another version or side of them, I decided to make this guy have another self or version of himself; 2 souls 1 body.
Owl FT NFL - Elroy icon F2U AVATAR | #722 Rowlet (New Years v1) 
It was my last drawing of 2017!!!!
HELLO 2018!!!! Welcome Thame W. Fabel & Chief S.D.
Drawn and coloured on SAI
Image size
1500x1000px 1.09 MB
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Spyro59's avatar
Dat owl is swaggen! :la: