ChloexBowie's avatar


Zero to Tutti Frutti
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Artist // Professional // Digital Art
  • May 12
  • Ireland
  • Deviant for 13 years
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
Birthday '15: Celebrated DeviantArt's 15th birthday
Birthday '16: Celebrated DeviantArt's Sweet Sixteen
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
Double Delicious Cake: But only half the calories! (2)
My Bio

My name is Chloë and I live in Dublin City, Ireland, with my software developer love & other half tomatoriggs Heart

I'm an artist and film maker, and I like to fan girl over lots of things like Elves, Elder Scrolls and cute fluffy creatures. I have a passion for most things arty, but my particular interests lie in Visual Development and Creative Directing. Right now I'm working on a game, trying to get a book published and learning about turning said book into an animated app!

Heart Heart Heart Founder of the group EpicOC Heart Heart Heart


Hi Everyone!The past few months have had a lot of changes in life for me. After my Grandmother passed away, I've been feeling very philosophical about life and, more specifically, how I want to make the most out of my life. Although I still feel sad when I think about it, I also feel a sense of hope when I think about all the things I can do with the time that we still have. Now that I am finished with my studies, I have decided that I want to pursue what I love and that is to create more art and to be able to connect with others through my art. I have also just moved into a new house which we have discovered needs a lot of repairs (and a ...
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Hey Everyone!I never got the chance to post a journal to thank you to everyone for the birthday messages and beautiful art that I was sent! Check it out :  It means a lot because this year really sucked! Without going into too many depressing details, I found out my Grandmother has cancer and moving into a new house has been super stressful. I never even got to do anything special with my boyfriend, family or friends because of how busy we were. I guess everyone goes through periods were they are feeling down and vulnerable but if I'm honest I just get annoyed when that happens to me because I wish I was made of tougher stuff. In reality I...
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   Hey Everyone!Just thought I'd post a quick message to let everyone know whats going on! Over the next week I'm moving in to my new house as well as preparing for some major deadlines and an exhibition in the Lighthouse Cinema. I really hoped it wouldn't, but everything kind of happened all at once so I'm going to be pretty quiet until everything is settled.  To make thinks worse, there is a Bus strike and a Bank Holiday over the next few days which make things a little extra difficult!I know I have lots of lovely messages to get back to, so I wanted to thank everyone for their kind words and hopefully I'll be back posting art soon!Have ...
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Profile Comments 862

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FRIEND711's avatar

Happy Birthday! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Marjo-MidoriMedicham's avatar

Happy birthday for the next Sunday (12th May), Deviantfriend!!!^^

(What is its translation in Irish Gaelic, please?)

AdrenalineRush1996's avatar
n3wmistak3's avatar
hey! happy birthday!
Wolf-Bear88's avatar
Happy Birthday! :happybounce: Have your cake and eat it too   

Hope you're keeping well and sane.