Well, we all know how things are going on here in Deviantart. Many artists have been banned, some for clear reasons, others more dubious. They have been selectively applying the rules against certain artists, and although they have their terms of service and the right to enforce them, thanks to the ambiguous wording almost any fetish artist could be banned with no recourse.
I've been thinking what to do, despite everything I like this site, but realistically, this account could dissappear tomorrow. I will take down every artwork that could be reason to get banned, so if you're interested better download them before I delete them. I've been on Pixiv for a while now, so my artworks from the last 2 or 3 years at least aren't lost forever, they're all there: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/29926038 I have already deleted some of the older stuff, and I'll reupload it there for archiving purposes.
Even then, I could get banned for the remaining stuff falling under the fringe category