ChinaJapan-Awareness's avatar


NiChu Love~
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anonymous's avatar
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Buddharts's avatar
Hello all,
I am looking for artists from this group to collaborate in my Buddharts Project.
I need digital artists to recreate the life of the historical Buddha according to the writings. Significant events and key players during the life of the Buddha in India. We will follow its path of transmission into China and eventually reaching Japan via Korea. Please join me in this noble undertaking. There were many exchanges between China and Japan during the first 700 years of Buddhism in Japan.
I will provide reference images and descriptive background to shape the image. This is a very serious project and will definitely bring good fortune. Please write to me at,
Am very new to DA.
Plumeria-hi's avatar
Um... Can someone help me with something?

See--a friend told me that as a member, I could submit things into a group and get them accepted. So I tried... And then I got approvals.

But the problem now is that I just realized (stupidly) that I submitted them in all the wrong sections of the group! I'm so sorry; I feel like a total klutz now. Does someone know how to move deviations in a group to another section? Or at least know how to take down deviations from group, so that I can re-submit them in the right sections?

I'm so, SO sorry for screwing up, and help would be really helpful right now! Thank you, and once again, I'm terribly sorry for messing up.
Rutti-N's avatar
Sure....dont worry!
PainterlyMarks's avatar
Oh, that's no problem at all! I can just move them to the right folders for you~ Thanks for letting us know! :D
Plumeria-hi's avatar
PainterlyMarks's avatar
Oh, you're so welcome! China (Happy) [V3] 
Plumeria-hi's avatar
Thank you for having me!!! Hug I-I feel like a lost pika who has finally found a home~