I like : dragons, griffins, dinosaurs, reptiles, birds, dogs, nature, Middle Ages, countryside, cartoons
I dislike : money, politic, anime, glamour, perversion and fetishes
The icon by
The ID from
Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!
Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!
Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!
Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!
Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!
Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!
ICQ: 559683667
vkontakte: vk.com/chickenzaur
Skype: rus_71
Current Residence: Russia, Tula
Favourite genre of music: metal \m/>.
Favourite style of art: drawing (fantasy)
Favourite cartoon character: Карлсон
I see you like reptiles, birds and cats and dogs too. Me too. My favorite reptile is the Indian Python and other snakes and chameleons and other green lizards, blue lizards and red lizards and komodo dragons, and crocodiles and American alligators and Galàpagos tortoises, my favorite birds are ducks, parrots, vultures, British hens, emperor penguins, flamingos, toucans, cassowaries and ostriches, owls and secretary birds. My favorite domestic cat and wild cat are tabby cats and tigers and my favorite domestic dog and wild dog are dalmatians and red foxes. I also have many favorite mammals but that would be a big list and my favorite amphibian is the British toad and frogs that are green, blue, red and yellow and giant Japanese salamanders.
Здароу! Я в основном в ВК и на ФА. На ДА совсем некомфортно стало, лень привыкать к обновлённому сайту :(