ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
chicken-stalker on DeviantArt
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Probably late in the game doing this, but who cares? I just felt like drawing a tribute for the one game that's caused my brother and sisters to compete against one another to achieve the highest score. I always get top rank with a number above 70,000. Latest score was 80-something-thousand, practically smashing my sisters 50-something-thousand score. Haha. I love it when I win.
During the whole process I was listening to Cabin Crew's remix of 'Star to Fall'. Somewhat explains the title and the lack of a better sounding one I think.
During the whole process I was listening to Cabin Crew's remix of 'Star to Fall'. Somewhat explains the title and the lack of a better sounding one I think.
Image size
3300x2550px 842.99 KB
© 2010 - 2025 chicken-stalker
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very interesting music video O_o