From Dust 0 4: A n k o m achicken-stalker on DeviantArt

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From Dust 0 4: A n k o m a



"... Ankoma hovered; motionless. Arms and legs felt lifeless- empty. Deep fear grew within. To struggle was pointless.

The Breath would not give up its sacrifice.

Skin crawled from head to toe. Fingers and muscles twitched and tugged; the Breath was taking his life blood. As it took, it also gave. The warmth of life left him, and in its place- a roiling coldness.

It, a great black sun, fed on the warmth. Yet, it grew more dark; twisted. Its fire blazed.

It gave no heat.

Ankoma fought no more. He could not win. The God of Death had willed it so.

He would be its messenger."

Haha, this was fun. I would like to thank ~RazielWarhaven for inspiring me to get back into drawing this guy. And I feel pretty good about getting at least the proportions mostly right this time.

Little fun fact: Ankoma means 'last born'. A fitting name I should think.
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1598x1699px 1.59 MB
HP pstc4380
Date Taken
Jan 27, 2012, 11:52:29 AM
© 2012 - 2025 chicken-stalker
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Scream-Lord's avatar
Oh man this looks pretty cool. I like the Origin story to, a little more dramatic than mine.

It's probably not cool to ask this so soon, but think you can draw my main character for my FD fic?

I've named him Enam which means "Gift from God" which is fitting because the Natives pray from a savior, a protector to lead them to salvation. I was going to name him Issa "Salvation, Protector" but Enam just sounded better to me.

He's basically the opposite of Ankoma, he has sweeping, wind like marks on his mask and body, his skin is a healthier milk chocolate brown, and has slightly more clothing than Ankoma. He also has the wispy strand Ankoma has but are a leafy green.

I have no specific theme for the pic if you do it but I'd like it to be him emerging from the tar-ball-thing at the beginning of From Dust, maybe with some Natives playing music in the background.

This is really good man, wish I can draw like this, the only thing I'm competent at are swords and stuff, people and animals are beyond me.