IllusionChica-Art on DeviantArt

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Chica-Art's avatar




A creepy vampire for an Amino challenge. (: I actually don't do Halloween personally--it's not my thing. So a vampire is about all I'll dish out for that. xD The challenge was Werewolf VS Vampire, where we pick one side and draw one. I decided to go with vampires. I wanted to avoid the typical "pretty boy" approach and show that the beauty is just an illusion to draw in victims. o_o 

His name is Bob?
I don't even know. 
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2212x2512px 8.06 MB
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Lexidus's avatar
Woah. I don't even like vamps BUT I LIKE YOUR ART ALOT so this is fantastic XD lolol 
Really though, the colors look great and I'm freakin in love with coat decorations :'> The split face design is also really intriguing--I love how you did it! ( ' v ' )b