Bored- Mortifer fanartChibiGirl1370 on DeviantArt

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Bored- Mortifer fanart




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Hmm. Hope the tones look right on here.

That's right! It's a fancomic for :iconloverofpiggies: webcomic Mortifer <-- you can check it out here. (and you should!)

So i had this idea pop in my head while I was reading mortifer the other day. Just so you know, though, I'm totally for AlycexMatthew pairing. This is just for fun. haha.

I'm sorry LoP, this is totally OOC for alyce, isn't it? I knew so when I was drawing it but I couldn't stop myself. (ha?) I hope you still like it.
I mean, I'm sure if Alyce was really bored out of her mind she'd just start blowing stuff up. Or, instead of jumping on Mcrain, she'd start shooting at him, but missing on purpose just to torment him (right?)

I think something looks wrong with Mcrains hair in panel five. And I hope I got alyces hands right.

Alyce and Mcrain (c) Loverofpiggies
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578x844px 149.46 KB
© 2009 - 2025 ChibiGirl1370
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IcePrinceRee's avatar
Wow this is awesome! In my whole time reading the comic, I never thought of this! Now I have a couple to finally like! Thank you!