Taeko and the safflowersChibi-Joey on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/chibi-joey/art/Taeko-and-the-safflowers-158598724Chibi-Joey

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Taeko and the safflowers



Woooooo watercolor :love:
Lol though this is definitely not my best, I had a great time with it and I learned a lot about watercolor :D It's such a fun medium :meow:
So this is Taeko from ghibli's "Only Yesterday" which is about a young woman who has to make some important decisions for her life. She has to decide whether to stay in the city where her work and past is or to move to the country where her heart is :aww: In that sense I can really relate to her because i'm in the same boat :hmm: But she is helped by her memories of her 5th grade year and is visited alot by it, really great movie :lol:
Anyways, Taeko in a field of safflowers (important part of the story). I also used a ref for her pose
Taeko not mine, art is plz :)
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1508x2040px 5.2 MB
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