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Deviation Spotlight

  • July 23, 1990
  • United States
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (18)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Current Residence: In the back of my mind, with my other selves
Favourite genre of music: Anything I like
Favourite photographer: VETCH!!!!! lol
Favourite style of art:
Operating System: Windows Whatever
MP3 player of choice: Sansa
Shell of choice: ....the one i built around my emotions
Wallpaper of choice: whatever i feel like lookin at for 5 hours a day
Skin of choice: the clean kind
Favourite cartoon character: Kurama!......drool.......and Yugi....and Kurapika...
Personal Quote: My best artwork was done on a napkin.

Favourite Visual Artist
........myself......*snort*, Yoshihiro Togashi
Favourite Movies
....hmmmm....Nightmare Before Christmas or the Lion King
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
System of a Down, Disturbed, Linkin Park, Gackt, etc.
Favourite Writers
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
Playstation, DS
Tools of the Trade
good ol' number 2 and paper.....and photoshop i guess......
Other Interests
Art, Manga, Anime, Books, getting sugar high
That's right, I made a tumblr! And as such, was wondering if any of you guys had tumblr's I could follow and have you follow me back, in order to get some more traffic on my tumblr. My tumblr is: adubiousnotion.tumblr.comI don't have too much up yet, but I'm getting there, and I've had an easier time posting more recent art than on deviantart. If you want some more followers or to share your tumblr art around, go ahead and follow me and I'll follow you back!
anonymous's avatar
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EDIT: Whoo! I got lazy with this haha, needed to add 3 new people!Want to spread your art around? Here, I'll help you!:iconHaykatsi: did this and featured me, so I promised to keep the chain moving! Though knowing my luck I won't be able to fill 2 spot, let alone 20 D:THE RULES:Be one of the first 20 people commenting on this journal entry, and I will add you to the Featured List!For each of the 20 first people answering this journal I will put his/her avatar and the three deviations I like most from his/her gallery on the list.You don't have to do this in return.As usual, Haykatsi featured me, so she gets first spot! Feel free to comment ...
anonymous's avatar
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Well, Ohayocon was awesome! Like I knew it would be, haha! I might post some pics, but that'll be hard for me if I'm in them since I very judgemental about how I look in photos >.>I also met the super-awesome pair :iconnonobadpup: and :iconMataime: That was cool, especially since they're just as awesome and funny in real life as they are on the internet (lolz)Yay for them representing YYH! I, on the other hand, was representing FF7, THE ORIGINAL GAME (YEAH!)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I was tagged by :iconLex-Yomira234: To do this FOREVER ago, and am finally getting around to it now, haha.Ten Things...
anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 130

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CottonCatTailToony's avatar
Hello there. My name is Samantha, and I think you're have the most incredible artwork ever! :heart:
crossthesunrise's avatar
// You're free to ignore this, I'm just weird and don't like breaking the chains sometimes, haha. //

If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral…because I'd be in jail for killing the person that killed you!!!!!! We are true friends we ride together/we die together.
Send this to everyone you care about including me if you care. See how many times you get this! I want you to know that you are amazing and you are my friend until my death and forever. If I don't get this back, I understand. But I have a
game for you, once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 people, including the person who sent it to you. If you receive at least 3 back, you are loved. Nobody knows how important something is until……they lose it. Tonight right an 12am the person you like will realize they love you! Then something is going to happen to you between 1am & 2pm be ready for the greatest shock of your life. If you break this chain you are going to have bad luck with love.
Verdy-K's avatar
:party: Happy Birthday! :party:
sebo3e's avatar
interesting draws bud
PriestNeftis's avatar
Happy birthday!!!! C:
ChibbyLink's avatar
Awww, thank you so much! *Huggles*
PriestNeftis's avatar
you're welcome C: