!IMPORTANT UPDATE! BLACK QUEER LIVES MATTERChestnutscoop on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/chestnutscoop/art/IMPORTANT-UPDATE-BLACK-QUEER-LIVES-MATTER-844140347Chestnutscoop

Deviation Actions

Chestnutscoop's avatar




[EDIT 02/06/2020: I'm grateful that this series is currently on the front page, however I'm disappointed at the lack of BLM artwork currently on there. I didn't see anything above my piece, and nothing a long time below it either. I don't know why this is (maybe because my account is a fairly big platform?) but there are so many black artists that currently deserve the place on the front page right now. As a white person, I facilitate and contribute to the movement; I should not be the only example on the front page.

Therefore, in order to try and fix this, here are some black artists currently making BlackLivesMatter artwork that I hope you will go ahead and check out. Support black artists.

luvataciousskull     @niouille                         MysticalConte         cscmariah1331               SERAPHENES              FreckleF0x 

Prominaj              ApocalipsePony            DannieKW        xAngelicDragonx     CringeyPasta          

    CrimsonRobin          Jaianimation           Skimaskmaster            carlieesue                               ofStardragons

(also apologies if I accidentally add non-black art here, I'm trying to find black artists based on context clues in descriptions and profiles as not everyone obviously is comfortable about being open about their real selves. Just drop me a message to let me know ^^)

Please also make sure you are browsing the BLM and BlackLivesMatter hashtags, sorting from NEWEST so you see everything. It's late in the UK right now, so I'll be adding more art in the coming days when more is uploaded.

Please everyone keep creating. Art is power. Art is what people notice. Art is what you can make if you are unable to protest in the streets. Put your life and soul into it. You're all doing great <3


Before any groups refuse this deviation submission, this was rendered in MikuMikuDance, a 3D Digital Program. The beams are my own MMD asset, as part of the :Glow Series:. Many MMD producers say in their rules that you cannot use their assets in political contexts. I do not agree that black people protesting to live in safety is political (it's human rights bruh), but nevertheless they ban their use. I give you full permission to use any asset from the :Glow Series: to make political art. Art is inherently political, and you can help the movement by contributing your own art. You shouldn't be limited to that because you're a MikuMikuDance artist.

This was originally published as a status, but dA is shit so I'm reposting this as a full deviation. 


This image is part of a series of artworks made by myself in support of #BlackLivesMatter during #PrideMonth. The series contains support for various gender and sexual identities, but if you have an identity that should be added to this series, please contact me. You can download HQ versions of these images on my twitter here -> twitter.com/chestnutscoop/stat…. Please download, share, retweet, repost and use these images in any way you wish to support the movements, and thank you for crediting me as the artist.

As a queer woman, I’m thankful for the black queer community for their huge contribution at Stonewall that sparked a range of LGBT+ protests and riots in 1969, which allows me and millions of other queer people to live our lives without the fear of being beaten or killed by police officers who are meant to protect us. Stormé DeLarverie threw the first punch. Marsha P. Johnson was one of the first drag queens to perform at the Stonewall Inn, and co-founded the Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries. Of course, being part of the LGBTQ+ is still punishable by death in 12 countries, and 73 countries will imprison LGBTQ+ people. Yes, we still need Pride.

Unfortunately, black people and black queer people currently do not have the same privilege. The recent murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, trans man Tony McDade, trans woman Nina Pop, and too many more murdered at the hands of police has sparked riots and protests all over the world, just as the mistreatment of queer people by the police in the 1950s and 60s sparked the Stonewall Riots. 26 trans or non-gender conforming people of colour were murdered by police in America alone last year. These current protests are necessary to create change. This month we celebrate Pride, but remember that the first Pride Parade was a riot, and because of that, it is now legal for me to marry any gender who I love and choose.

This Pride, I honour the black and LGBTQ+ people who have been murdered by the police, murdered for existing, and those who have fought and continue to fight for gay and black freedom. Both minorities must continue to work together to overcome hate. Black lives don't stop mattering because Pride has started. We fight together.


I've already seen so many MMDers contributing political art to BlackLivesMatter, it's so wonderful to see solidarity in this time. Currently, I've been posting on my twitter to my Japanese followers, to try and encourage them to contribute to the movement too. I'm also actively finding ways to help the movement on my Instagram story, but below I have provided some helpful links for you to read and educate yourself:


Petitions (masterlist):


Donate by watching videos (the ad revenue goes to BLM organisations, please turn off adblocker)

(I'll be adding to these links when I find more good sources

Please everyone stay safe, and keep fighting. Art is political. You are an artist. Do what you do best, and help <3

#blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmattermovement #blackqueerlivesmatter #blacktranslivesmatter #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforbreonnataylor 



:Glow Series: LED Beam by Chestnutscoop

AutoLuminous4 by Sovoro

Rendered in MikuMikuDanceE_v932x64  © Yu Higuchi
Plugin: MMEffect v037x64 © Yu Higuchi 
Image size
1000x1000px 186.54 KB
© 2020 - 2025 Chestnutscoop
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WitchersHiddenVelvet's avatar
:000 holy crap Im so honored to be added here