So, a new and personally special milestone. As of yesterday my Deviant Art homepage has now officially received ten thousand views. And I don't mean the heading simply reading "9.5 Pageviews" rounded up to the next fifty. As I write and post this it's officially at 10,021 visits and/or views. I find this remarkable since I'm on this site and in the community six and a half years now, starting officially in April 2018 and my seventh anniversary due in April 2025 ("in the year 2025, 2025..."). It took me almost the whole first five years to reach half that. Just the previous week I suddenly gained at least fifty and I'm not sure if that's because it was just recently Halloween, or because my latest deviation involved a pop culture property, or if more folks out there are really that interested in what I have to offer here. I'm not a pro so I'm not expecting or attempting high numbers anyway. Plus I know not all of those 10,000+ views and visits are necessarily genuine. A few were probably my own visits to my own page, and a few may be bots, and some were admittedly some shady folks. The vast majority though I know are because you guys out there were interested enough to come see what I have. No matter what changes DArt had in the past 6.5 years--some better, some worse, some indifferent, some meaning everything or nothing, depending on who says so about what--it really is this big art community and members thereof that keep me here. I'm not here for numbers or money or even Core--I'm here for the communication and feedback and involvement. I really want to get more of my ideas on here and out there and I'm hoping to do so in the next years coming. Thank you all for helping me make it this far, so I can go further now.
So, six years on Deviant Art now as of today. This will have to be a somewhat shorter post than my previous anniversary writings. So what went on between Aprils 2023 and 2024?
To start with, not a whole lot in terms of deviations submitted. The past year was a rollercoaster for me so I had to focus my attention elsewhere. Even when I wanted to work on something artsy with the wheels spinning nonstop in my head, most times I just got drawn back to either reality or to other work, events, and hobbies. This would explain why so many deviations I made were based in photography or photomanipulation, since they're the simplest (theoretically) to make. Of the photography I do have a few personal favorites, including one batch I posted just one day before this journal post here. I'm no model but I did have fun with those pictures having the classy black coat look I wish I had in my school days. I'm so glad to at least try it. I'm even thinking of making that look my pseudo avatar at some point.
As for traditional art, I did succeed at one thing, which was to use up a twenty-five year old partial pack of pastels for a second and potentially last pastel art. This was my first deviation of 2024, being the color drawing of the pond, and then I used the very last crumbly bits of pastels to whip up a spiraling abstract piece. A lot of other deviants seemed to enjoy them, although it does disappoint me some that my first and far better pastel drawing I made (the Motocycle Comiot lady in her room, drawn in 1999 and posted on DA 2019) gets bypassed, and that's the one I'm most proud of. That's the common risk of publishing your arts, though--that the things you crap out get more recognition than the things you pour your whole being into making.
After quite a few digital arts I made in 2022 thanks to my first ever tablet (going on three years with it now, and using it currently to write this), I planned on making several more last year--and succeeded in making only one. This is my potential comic book cover and head-canon concept piece about The Red Suitcase Adventures--basically my fictionalized take of a long-gone video review show and the obscure characters thereof, and then reimagining them as their own action-adventure series. I still have a list of all kinds of fan arts I still want to make, and a good part of that list is this subject alone. Even so, that was the only art I made about it; and while I'm glad it's done, it could be a whole lot better. Sometime this year I want to fix up that picture with better quality, and finally make some more arts of that subject. Also, I just want to actually finally make arts of the other subjects I have on that list. As I said above, there was enough going on with me in my real world living that I couldn't really focus on making more art. But if the recent postings this last winter/spring are any sign, I may honestly get some more arts successfully crossed off that list.
One pleasant interesting thing that happened in the past year is that I had more new watchers than ever before from past years--plus I started watching a few more favorite deviants of my own, including a few who haven't posted anything new in years, yet I still enjoy their work even today. It's always a nice feeling to know others want to see what you can offer artistically, and vice versa. That's why I'm on Deviant Art, for the community. And yes I know, there have been the regular problems with site management and transparency, and I'm not ignorant about that--but my priority is not about engaging in such matters. I'm here to be with you folks here. I said plenty before, and I'll say it again and often--badges, points, money, sales, exclusives, politics, Core membership, subscriptions--these are not what I'm about or what I desire. What I am about and what I desire is sharing, feedback, communication, interest, and relating. That's my DArt purpose and presence.
Speaking of the site itself, another pleasant surprise came out of an unpleasant surprise the year before this last one. In my fifth anniversary review, when I had far more to report because five-year anniversaries are more substantial than six-year ones, I wrote that I had my first ever complaint about the site. Out of nowhere, numerous deviations--both mine and others'--were flagged and blocked with a mature filter, which means you could only see them if you were logged in. The vast majority of those deviations were NEVER mature, offensive, off-putting, or otherwise, and they still had those blocks. This was a huge blow to me particularly because I want anyone to just visit my DA page and gallery *without* needing to make an account login only for the sake of just getting to look around. It reached the point when I had to take drastic measures--removing pictures altogether, rewriting descriptions entirely, chopping up and recoloring and editing pictures certain ways to keep them posted away from any algorithm nonsense--so discouraging, even heartbreaking. And then sometime last year around July or August...the blocks were suddenly and inexplicably gone. All those blocked deviations I had and other deviants had were fully visible and accessible again, without any expected or required loggings in, just like they always were before. I still haven't learned why either change occurred in the first place--I'm just happy and relieved that things were and are back to the way they always used to be. Even better if it stays this way permanently for DArt's lifetime.
As far as overall site changes go, I formally joined Deviant Art in 2018, and the Eclipse format came about two years later. And...I'm okay with that. I'm so used to Eclipse now I barely remember the previous site format, and there's so many features similar between them that I don't have a "why can't we still have this or that" mentality about it. I had only the one epecially jarring issue I mentioned above, and it's seemingly been resolved. One major change is the introduction of NFTs and AI to the site. I'll keep it very short and say, at least for myself, that I don't engage in either. I'm here for the art I myself make in itself, and for the arts others make themselves in themselves.
And finally, as for me, I'm still trying to plug away at making more art to finally get out of my head after so long and into the visible world for anyone to see, especially on Deviant Art. So, back at it...
My first written post of the year. I don't write update posts that often, so mostly I just want to inform you all that I had to remove my first few deviations of the year because I wasn't quite satisfied with the postings, and thus had to repost them again, along with a new deviation that I had just recently finished. Also I want to thank my new watchers for your interest in my stuff, and I hope you all enjoy the ride.
Well, tonight is a pleasant surprise. It turns out that my homepage has officially reached 8000 views properly speaking. That means my views on DA have doubled in just a little over a year, for the five plus years I've been officially on here. I don't have any milestone art to make about that (I'm still trying to fix up my latest deviation and planning on more when that one is finally completed), but I want to thank you all for helping me advance this far and in such relatively quick time. It helps keep me going at keeping going.
I've updated my latest post somewhat, about my fifth year anniversary and update