Impromptu Gorey SketchChesmire on DeviantArt

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Chesmire's avatar

Impromptu Gorey Sketch



Here's something I drew all the way back in 2000 (roughly around the same time Deviant Art itself started!).   While I was waiting for a classmate in a community hall I sketched this in an hour or so on a sheet of scrap paper with a ball point pen.  Edward Gorey had then just recently passed so he was a little on my mind, as well as my classmate whom I admittedly crushed on then, and I just quickly whipped up something in his style.   I cleaned it up just enough to put up here, and replaced my sloppy handwriting with MS Paint text similar to his style.

Image size
1144x805px 256.81 KB
© 2021 - 2025 Chesmire
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