cherinova's avatar


68 Deviations
Artist // Professional // Digital Art
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (464)

Profile Comments 310

anonymous's avatar
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darthmanga's avatar
Happy birthday!
a1993's avatar
Happy Birthday! (Good luck wherever you are!)
Jigoku-Rui-chan's avatar
Hey there.:icononionhiplz:
I am here to wish you a happy b-day.PartyHave your cake and eat it too:iconamericapartyhardplz::iconfeelingfreeplz::iconlawooplz::iconpresentplz::iconpinklilyplz:
I hope all your dreams and wishes come true.:iconbrightfutureplz:
Even if everything seems like its not gonna get better or when the world seems like a dark place,remember that you are the only one who can make a light shine and show you the way to the path you wanna walk in.
Its okay to depend on other some times.But there will be times where you will have to fight your battles on your own,but the people that support and love you will be there to give you strength to keep fighting.
So don't give up!Cause you can do it!
Guardian-of-Light137's avatar
HAPPY (late) BIRTHDAY! :iconyuiglompplz:
Fario-P's avatar
Merry Christmas dA 2014 Present Happy birthday! (F2U) dA Present 2.0