SpiritsChenanigans on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/chenanigans/art/Spirits-190055442Chenanigans

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Chenanigans's avatar




I don't understand WHY people think it's fun to be mean, hurt people and just crush people's spirits. I don't think it's fun, and I don't think it makes you look cooler. It makes you look like a BIG, STUPID JERK.

It's not funny, and not cool. This is out to all the people who bully people here, on other sites, or in the real world. You better stop, because one day, your "friends" will leave you won't have anyone to go to and maybe you'll be bullied. And you know what? You deserved that. Put yourself in the victims shoes for once.

Basically, to sum it up, stop being a jerk and grow up. Show some respect.


Art (c) :iconchenanigans: (me)
Image size
99x56px 4.62 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Chenanigans
MarioLuigi25's avatar
I know right. I got picked on when I went to Gamespot just for having an opinion on which character I like >.> As a result, I don't visit that website very often. I only go there to check out some games I want. I no longer go on the forums.
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