Renno DA versionCheezyem on DeviantArt

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Renno DA version



So this is solidly my new drawing style, no more sonic styled muzzles, more anthro styled all round... which I've been aiming for for a while.... Not that I draw hardly anything anymore.

I have no idea how to shade... at all... I should probably have left it flat coloured... but whatever.

I've sketched out 5 of my main characters in this style, I hope I get round to finishing all the refs.. but I think I've committed myself too much with shading...

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2304x3537px 1.76 MB
© 2014 - 2025 Cheezyem
anonymous's avatar
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crystal-thunder's avatar
This new style of yours looks fantastic and you should continue to develop it

The character looks great and well designed and the shading looks great and works

I hope to see more of your art and characters dear :)