The Hobbit (2012) Drabbles 2 by Cheetana, literature
The Hobbit (2012) Drabbles 2
Dwarf/Bilbo - Vertigo He manages to contain his fears for the most part. He breathes in and out and in and out and stares resolutely at the dwarf in front of him as they trudge and struggle up the path around the mountain. He doesn't let himself look at the sheer drop to his right, or the ground far below.He doesn't think about it when he falls in the Goblin Tunnels under the mountain. He panics that moment when he's falling, but it's so quick and over so fast he can hardly make the thoughts in his mind before he lands. And even then, he's so disorientated and terrified that he may be sporting broken bones he hardly thinks more on it.And h...